Sakhalin Environment Watch |
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Dmitry Lisitsyn さん | || | ||
50万円 |
Progress of the research:
April - May: we have conducted a number of meetings with Korsakov citizens, local authorities and fishermen. During the meetings we were gathering the information about impact of Sakhalin II project on the environment and local communities of Korsakov district. Also we regularly met with owners of summer residences in Prigorodnoe settlement, which get into a zone of influence from construction of LNG plant, and advised them on legal issues of definition of a sanitary - protective zone and payment of indemnifications at resettlement. At the end of March we participated in the organization and holding of public hearings in Korsakov city regarding the problem of dumping of soil into Aniva Bay during construction of moorings under Sakhalin II project. We also distributed the resolution of hearings among all interested parties.
In the beginning of April we have helped to organize and have taken part in the action of initiative group of Korsakov citizens "Knowledge is Strength" against dumping of huge volume of a ground into the central part of Aniva Bay, which was dredged out by "Sakhalin Energy" company during the dredging works for construction of moorings in Prigorodnoe settlement in a coastal zone of Aniva Bay.
June: we have carried out the big expedition on north of Island in Nogliksky district for the meetings with indigenous peoples and fishermen which are under influence of oil-and-gas "Sakhalin I" and "Sakhalin II" projects. We have conducted a number of interrogations of local residents, have examined construction sites of pipelines and objects of extraction and refining of oil and gas, which affect places of traditional wildlife management of indigenous peoples, reindeer pastures and fishing sites. The information on the fact of destruction of an ancient cemetery of indigenous peoples by constructors was collected. At the end of June we have taken part in the action of indigenous peoples against infringement of their rights to a favorable environment and a traditional way of life by oil companies.
July: we have investigated conditions of residing of indigenous peoples in small settlement called Venskoe on the north of Island, influences of oil-and-gas projects on a primordial inhabitancy of indigenous peoples and definitions of the damage caused to natives. Also during this trip we have carried out investigation of the fact of the organization of a building site on a sacred glade of Nivkhi.
May - September: we have carried out a number of expeditions along the route of the constructing pipelines under the "Sakhalin II" project in Korsakov, Dolinsk, Makarov, Nogliki, Tymovsk and Smirnykh districts. Expeditions included both trips by the car, and foot inspections of the pipeline route and places of crossing with the spawning rivers.
Outcome of the research:
During the research the big volume of the information on negative influence of construction works under the "Sakhalin II" project on an environment, aboriginals of the north of Sakhalin and local population of Korsakov district was collected. Inhabitants of Korsakov district consider as a main threat to an environment, fishery and a way of life of local communities the dumping into Aniva Bay more than two millions tons of a ground at construction of moorings under the "Sakhalin II" project. Fishermen and the population already mark decreasing of storm ashore of scallops and sharp decreasing of salmon approaches in water area, adjoining to Prigorodnoe settlement. The broken roads, intensive movement of heavy trucks in Korsakov city, air pollution in the city, noise from construction work, increasing of a crime rate, increasing of loading at medical services - also are named by local residents as negative consequences of LNG plant construction.
During the research of influence of oil-and-gas projects on a traditional way of life of indigenous peoples the big volume of the information also was collected. In particular, it was revealed, that the pipelines route under "Sakhalin I" and "Sakhalin II" projects crosses traditional places of reindeers pasture, gathering of berries, mushrooms and other gifts of the forest, fishing. Investigation of the fact of the site construction for warehousing of building materials on the place of Nivkhi cemetery was carried out. In the winter the contractor of Exxon has destroyed a part of the forest together with tombs and other ritual attributes on a sacred glade of indigenous peoples. On the site the building equipment and metal designs was delivered. Oilmen did not react to complaints of local residents in any way. Only after involving of public organizations, including SEW, and attraction of press attention to this problem, the company - contractor has removed all the equipment from the site, has cleared it and covered by peat. However the tombs of indigenous peoples are not subject to restoration any more. Also the important result of our work on indigenous peoples problems is that "Sakhalin Energy" has started to develop the Indigenous Peoples Development Plan according to procedures of the European bank of reconstruction and development and the World bank. Long time "Sakhalin Energy" refused to do it and did not recognize fishing community of indigenous peoples as "affected group". However, the data collected by us during our research, including on influence of the pipeline on the spawning rivers, has shown, that the fishing community also is on threat of the project. We take part in creation of this Plan as advisers of indigenous peoples.
During the trips along pipelines of "Sakhalin Energy" and "Exxon" we have revealed plenty of violations. So, it was found out, that "Sakhalin Energy" builds an oil pipeline by outstripping rates, and construction of a gas pipe considerably is late. While the project stipulates simultaneous construction of oil and gas pipeline and a lining of an optic-fiber cable along a pipe. In result impact on the rivers appears not unitary as it is stipulated by the project, but fourfold if to include a clearing of the route from vegetation when the superficial ground with turf and the vegetative rests is shifted from boards of the river into a channel. I.e., as against determined in EIA single short-term conducting works on each spawning river, "Sakhalin Energy" conducts and will conduct further the construction work on each river four times (i.e. finishing crossing of the river by one pipe, a bit later the company will renew crossing by the following pipe). Because of an inefficiency of antierosion measures a huge amount of soil, formed at construction of bridges through the rivers and at clearing of the right-of-way, comes into the watercourses, essentially raising the mud in the waters and worsening quality of spawning grounds. During construction of the pipeline contractors of "Sakhalin Energy" was changed repeatedly with channels of the spawning rivers for what the ordinary ditches for new channels were dug out and old channels are drained, accordingly all life was died in them. During the checks numerous crossings through the rivers directly on a channel also were fixed, bridges on the majority of the rivers are equipped illegally as "Sakhalin Energy" has forgot to include in the project a construction of bridges, accordingly sanctions were not given on them and the damage from their construction was not designed. Similar infringements are typical along whole pipeline route that shows full absence of the control from "Sakhalin Energy" side over the actions of its contractors.
Despite of the company statement on suspending of pipelines construction through the rivers during salmon spawning season, we have fixed on many rivers the conducting of construction work in water-protective zones, in the rivers and their tributaries. In the rivers the huge amount of a ground has came and dregs was carried downstream the rivers on many kilometers. Dropped in such rivers on spawning the humpback salmon could not spawn as it is scientifically proved that the salmon is not capable to spawn in so muddy water.
Results of our checks were directed to the state supervising bodies which have carried out own check and have confirmed the facts of infringements found out by us. In a result contractors of the "Sakhalin Energy" were fined and subjected to the obligation to remove the revealed infringements.
Plan for the latter half of the research:
Up to the end of the year we plan to carry out some more checks of construction of the pipeline through the spawning rivers. Work on research of influence of construction work under the "Sakhalin II" project on local communities of indigenous peoples and inhabitants of Korsakov city will proceed. All collected information on ecological and social impacts of the "Sakhalin II" project will be summarized in the separate report, as well as it is planned under the project. End of work under the report, its publication and distribution we plan for February - March, 2006.